About Us
About JustChurch
Welcome to JustChurch. At JustChurch, we believe to know Jesus is to do justice.We are committed to being an antiracist church in our understanding of systemic injustices and in fighting for inclusion and participation of all peoples.
In Jesus Christ, and therefore in this place,
there are no outsiders or insiders.
Be welcome in the fullness of who God created you to be.
We endeavor to become people of every race and ethnicity,
sexual orientation and gender identity,
economic class and age,
come in the fullness of your real life
and receive the fullness of hope in Christ.
Rev. Cn. Meg Wagner (worship leader)
Canon Meg Wagner serves as one of the worship leaders of JustChurch. Meg also serves as the Canon to the Ordinary in the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa and is the co-founder of Beloved Community Initiative—a racial justice, healing, and reconciliation ministry. Since it began in the spring of 2018, BCI has provided dismantling racism training, educational programing, Underground Railroad pilgrimages, youth retreats, and partnered with BIPOC-led groups for interfaith action and advocacy. Meg serves on denomination-wide groups that work on racial justice and healing. Meg is the mom of two incredible sons and and an incredible daughter-in-law and married to an amazing partner, friend, and canon's mate, Michael.
Rev. Nora Boerner (worship leader)
Rev. Nora Boerner is an Episcopal priest in The Episcopal Church and serves as the Interim Beloved Community Missioner. Nora is on the clergy staff at Trinity Episcopal Church in Iowa City. Through BCI Nora now works monthly with other Episcopal leaders in the state, interfaith leaders in Johnson County and the BCI advisory groups. Originally from Minnesota, she holds a B.A. from St. Olaf College and is a certified yoga teacher. Nora, her spouse, Jeff, and their four children reside in Iowa City.
Rev. Jan Schnell Rippentrop (founder and worship leader)

Rev. Sarah Goettsch (Founder)

These wonderful affiliates, organizations and individuals have been instrumental in the launching and continued growth of JustChurch. We are very thankful for them.
- Michael Estep and Morton Estep, for their very generous donation of the domain name justchurch.com
- Bread Garden Market in downtown Iowa City, Iowa
- Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Iowa City, Iowa
- St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Iowa City, Iowa
- Heartland Yoga in Iowa City, Iowa
- Lutheran Campus Ministry
- The Presbytery of East Iowa
- Julie and Kevin Monson
- Bill Enke
- Amy and Tristan Pearson